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Ukrainian emergency: sanitary measures

Information and documentation for the health care of displaced persons from Ukraine and rules for accompanying pets

It is important to regularise one's presence in Italy as soon as possible in order to access healthcare. The following provisions must be respected in order to be allowed to stay:

Issuing a STP (Temporarily Present Foreigner) code
Persons who do not have a regular residence document are guaranteed urgent and essential outpatient and hospital care and preventive medicine programmes. In these cases the person concerned is given an STP (Temporarily Present Foreigner) code, which identifies the assisted person. The code is valid throughout the national territory for a period of six months and is renewable. The STP can be requested at the Apss health registry offices in the territory or, at the same time as the vaccination against Covid-19, at the vaccination centres in Trento, Arco and Rovereto. The list and contact details of the centres can be found at: .

For health problems requiring a medical examination, once the STP has been obtained, it is possible to contact the network of general practitioners and paediatricians.

To complete the vaccination schedule started in Ukraine or to receive your first vaccinations, you can access the vaccination services on the territory: For minors, Law 119/2017 applies, which provides for a series of vaccinations to prevent important infectious diseases at epidemic risk. These vaccinations are essential for children's health and indispensable for attending school. Certain vaccinations are also recommended for adults, although they are not mandatory.

Mother-child programme
Pregnant women and mothers with newborn babies can access provincial health Consultori centres free of charge without a doctor's prescription. In the Consultori (health advisory centres) there are different professionals working in teams at a territorial level: midwives, nurses, health care assistants, socio-health care workers, gynaecologists, psychologists and social workers. Access is free, free of charge and without a doctor's prescription. Contact details of the advice centres can be found at

Pets (dogs and cats) accompanying persons from Ukraine
Pets accompanying persons from Ukraine may enter the territory of Italy by way of derogation from the regulations for non-commercial movements of pets (EU Regulation No. 576/2013). Pets are not separated from their owners. Owners must contact the Apss veterinary service offices to register the dog in the provincial dog registry database and to have it checked and vaccinated against rabies, if necessary. All expenses sustained for the regularisation of the animals are borne by Apss. Contact details of the Apss veterinary service:

TRENTO: via Lavisotto, 125 - 0461 902777 -
PREDAZZO: via Varda Basso - 0462 508825 -
BORGO: viale Vicenza, 16 - 0461 755622 -
CLES: via Degasperi, 52 - 0463 660113 -
ROVERETO: p. Leoni, 11/a - 0464 403741 -
TIONE: via Presanella, 16 - 0465 331496 -

Published: Monday 07 March 2022 - Last modify: Wednesday 09 August 2023

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