Associations of immigrants from Europe
The immigrants who reside and have formed an association in Trentino (mainly from Albania, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Ukraine).
Associations of immigrants from America Latina
The immigrants who reside and have formed an association in Trentino (mainly from Colombia, Cile, Ecuador)
Associations of immigrants from Africa
The immigrants who reside and have formed an association in Trentino (mainly from Marocco, Algeria, Togo, Senegal)
Associations of immigrants from Asia
The immigrants who reside and have formed an association in Trentino (mainly from Bangladesh, Filippine, Thailandia)
Multicultural associations of immigrants
Immigrants who reside in the Trentino and who have formed an association from various countries around the world.
Associations and cooperatives of intercultural mediators
Associations and cooperatives made up of intercultural mediators from various parts of the world who operate to promote the integration of immigrant citizens into Italian society.