Ordinary reception (Sai)
The project has been managed since 2006 by the Immigration Information Center of the Department of Health and Social Solidarity of the Autonomous Province of Trento - Cinformi, as part of the Sprar system, in collaboration with the Astalli Center of Trento and the Atas non-profit association. It offers an integrated reception to applicants for international protection through the provision of personalized protection interventions and services and accompaniment to the (re) conquest of individual autonomy.
The reception is offered in semi-autonomy in shared apartments located in the provincial territory. From the moment they enter the reception project, the beneficiaries are admitted to the Italian courses. The project also includes the activation of a linguistic-cultural mediation service. Asylum seekers receive a monthly economic subsidy (or in some cases, spending vouchers) to meet their daily needs and have a free public transport pass valid throughout the provincial territory. During the project, individualised pathways to work placement are also structured, through the activation of internships, assessment of pre-requisites for work or placement in a protected working environment, depending on the situation of the people. At the same time, beneficiaries are guaranteed a psychological support service, particularly in the phase prior to the hearing at the Commission assessing the application for international protection.
The project's multidisciplinary team works in synergy to ensure effective care of the host population, with particular attention to beneficiaries with specific needs or vulnerabilities. The professional figures involved are reception operators who guarantee the management of the dynamics of cohabitation, orientation and access to the services of the territory, integration operators who structure individualized pathways of socio-work integration and support in the search for post-reception housing solutions, legal operators to guarantee orientation and legal information, social workers who define an individualized project of personal autonomy. The team actively collaborates with various local actors who are interlocutors of the reception and integration pathways, trying to promote the integration of the beneficiaries in the local civil society.