When displaced people from Ukraine arrive in Trentino, they should contact Cinformi office:
- by phone at the dedicated number 3316299111
- by going directly to the counters in Trento, Via Lunelli n 4, Monday to Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- via e-mail at
Cinformi will verify the documents and book the appointment at the Questura for the purpose of applying for a temporary protection permit.
The Cinformi desk, either directly or via email to
, will verify:
- passports and/or other identification documents
- names of Ukrainian citizens
- current address
- contact telephone number
- any family relationships with regular residents or Italian citizens residing in Trentino
- presence of seasonal nulla osta from the Decreto flussi 2021
For Ukrainian citizens who arrived in Italy with no documents, an identification at the Ukrainian Consulate is provided. The Consulate must also be contacted if the documentation available (passport or birth certificate) does not clearly show motherhood/paternity of the minor who arrived in Italy. For the Consulate: milanoconsolato1@gmail.com ; phone 02801333; https://milan.mfa.gov.ua/it
Last updated: 21/4//2022