Procedure to follow in order to obtain the residence permit
Residence permit
Statement of presence
The declaration of presence must be submitted to the Police Headquarters within eight days of entering Italy for visits, business, tourism and study for up to three months.
Work permit
The work permit varies according to the duration and type of work you intend to do or are already doing.
Residence permit for family
The residence permit for family can be requested by the children, spouses or dependent parents of immigrants legally resident in Italy who meet certain requirements.
Residence permit for family members of a UE citizen
The status of family member of a UE citizen (including Italian) gives the holder special treatment for his/her visa and residence permit applications in Italy.
EU residence permit
The EU long-term residence permit for long term residents is issued to those who stay in Italy on a permanent and continuous basis.
Residence permit for study
The residence permit for study purposes is issued to foreign citizens who want to come and attend university or training courses.
Residence permit for awaiting citizenship
The law provides that the person awaiting citizenship must obtain a permit authorising him/her to stay up to the end of the procedures.
Update and Duplicate of the Residence Permit
The residence permit should be updated when, for example, the house address has been changed in view of an application for reunification or family cohesion or in case of passport renewal.
Residence permit for sports activities
A residence permit for sports activities is issued to a foreign national who has to be employed as a professional or amateur athlete in a sports society.
Permesso di soggiorno per volontariato
Il permesso di soggiorno per “volontariato” è rilasciato al cittadino non comunitario che ha fatto ingresso nel territorio italiano con un visto per “Volontariato”, richiesto a seguito di una procedura promossa dall’organizzazione responsabile del programma. Il permesso va richiesto entro 8 giorni dall’ingresso, compilando un kit postale inserendo, come motivazione, la dicitura “missione”. La durata sarà quella del programma, di norma comunque non superiore all’anno. Il permesso non è convertibile o rinnovabile.