Cinformi operates with various public bodies including the Questura of Trento (police headquarters), the Servizio lavoro (Labour office) of the Autonomous Province of Trento, the Commissariato Governo of Trento, the Apss (Provincial Health Services Agency), the Agenzia del lavoro (Labour agency) and the Employment Centres of the Trentino area.
The partners of Cinformi
In its information and orientation activities for immigrant citizens, as well as communication, study and research, Cinformi collaborates with private entities such as the Atas onlus Association, the Cooperativa Città Apertà of Rovereto, the Centro Astalli of Trento and the Centro italiano femminile (Cif) of Trento.
Published: Monday 19 November 2018 - Last modify: Friday 14 February 2020