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Local, national and international news related to immigration and published on the Italian version of Cinformi website

G7, the conclusions on immigration

  • 19/06/2024
  • "Addressing the challenges and seizing the opportunities it presents, in partnership with countries of origin and transit"

120 million people fleeing the world, new record

  • 13/06/2024
  • Number doubled in last 10 years; according to new UN Refugee Agency Global Trends Report

Consulate General of the Ukraine in Milan

  • 11/06/2024
  • This is the schedule for users during the month of June

UNHCR: "Debunking the false narrative provided by smugglers and traffickers"

  • 10/06/2024
  • UN refugee agency calls for information on availability of safe and legal alternative routes

Enrollment from abroad for universities, academies and music conservatories

  • 06/06/2024
  • Procedures for entry, stay and matriculation of international students for A.Y. 2024/2025

Tougher rules against trafficking in human beings

  • 03/06/2024
  • Directive adopted by the Council of the European Union

Festival of Economics

  • 29/05/2024
  • Four days with Trento at the center of national and international debate

Istat Report on Domestic and International Migration

  • 29/05/2024
  • Nearly 700 thousand foreign nationals arrived in italy in 2022-23

Electronic Health Record 2.0

  • 28/05/2024
  • Information campaign also launched in the province of Trento

"Africa MediaTa": the 2024 Report presented in Rome

  • 28/05/2024
  • Edited by the Osservatorio di Pavia
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Published: Wednesday 27 June 2018 - Last modify: Friday 13 October 2023

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