Entities operating in the field of reception
A.C.I.S.J.F, Casa tridentina della giovane
The association offers hospitality to single women who are temporarily away from home or without accommodation and/or who find themselves in a difficult situation.
A.p.p.m. onlus, Associazione Provinciale per i Minori
The Association pursues exclusively aims of social solidarity in the field of social assistance, education and social-health care in favour of minors in difficult conditions.
Atas onlus, Associazione Trentina Accoglienza Stranieri
"Atas onlus", founded in 1989, is an association for foreigners reception in Trentino and works to make the local community aware of the positive potentialities of the migratory phenomenon.
Centro Astalli Trento
Centro Astalli Trento provides social and cultural services for migrants, in particular refugees, asylum seekers, stateless people, war refugees and immigrants for other humanitarian reasons.
Città aperta, Cooperativa di mediatori interculturali
Cooperativa Città aperta offers translation and interpreting services and cultural mediation both to foreign citizens and to public and private entities.
Cooperativa "Progetto92"
Progetto 92 is a social cooperative working in favour of children, young people, young people and families. Its aim is the human promotion and social integration of people.
Cooperativa Arcobaleno
The cooperative carries out activities of literacy and promotes the meeting between citizens of foreign and native origin.
Comunità Murialdo del Trentino Alto Adige
Comunità Murialdo has a christian inspiration with a preferential choice to serve children and young people in difficulty. It promotes the culture of hospitality, solidarity and voluntary work.
Croce rossa italiana (CRI)
The Italian Red Cross (CRI) is an association for social promotion that aims to provide health and social care in times of peace and conflict.
Consorzio lavoro e ambiente
Consorzio Lavoro Ambiente (abbreviated CLA) is a Cooperative Association, part of the network of international protection applicants in Trentino coordinated by the Autonomous Province of Trento.