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School enrollment

Minors with no or incomplete birth records are enrolled with a "reserve" (Art. 75 - Presidential Decree No. 394 of August 31). The map with educational institutions is available on the Vivoscuola website:

The educational system provides compulsory schooling from age 6 to 16 and the right to the obligation to education until age 18. Specifically::
- Kindergarten - ages 3 to 5 years of age
- Elementary school (first level) - from 6 to 10 years of age
- Secondary school (second level) - from 11 to 13 years of age
- Secondary school and vocational training - 14 to 18 years of age.

Pre-school enrollment from age 3 is possible only if in possession of the vaccination requirements under Decree Law No. 73 of June 7, 2017. It is necessary to check the vaccination status of the child/children at the Ufficio igiene territoriale of the corresponding Health District:   

Reception of Ukrainian pupils: the special on Vivoscuola website of the Autonomous Province of Trento

Last update: 24/5/2022

Published: Friday 01 April 2022 - Last modify: Tuesday 23 May 2023

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