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Mandatory requirements for minors who are alone or accompanied by relatives or other acquaintances

Minors who are alone or accompanied by relatives, acquaintances, operators or private social organizations must be immediately reported to the Procura della Repubblica at the Tribunale per i Minorenni (Court of Trento) for the opening of guardianship and for the ratification of the reception measures arranged. The report is made by going to the nearest Police or Carabinieri Station and if the minor is alone by going to Cinformi which also provides in this case for his/her reception. The Police and Cinformi will then send the report to the Procura della Repubblica office, which will activate the procedure for the institution of guardianship and for the ratification of the reception measures arranged.

The report must indicate:
- documented identity of the minor or declared identity in the absence of suitable documents;
- documented identity of the accompanying person;
- place, time and reception arrangements;
- declarations of the accompanying person and the minor about the identity of the parents or guardian, the temporary foster care arrangements with the accompanying person, all useful telephone numbers, any presence of relatives/other relatives of the minor in Italy;
- any declaration of willingness of the accompanying person (relative, acquaintance, private social worker) to be nominated as guardian of the minor.

Last updated: 1/4/2022

Pubblicato il: Sabato, 02 Aprile 2022 - Ultima modifica: Martedì, 31 Maggio 2022

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