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Local, national and international news related to immigration and published on the Italian version of Cinformi website

Trafficking, the new GRETA Report

  • 16/06/2023
  • Analysis and Recommendations of the Council of Europe Experts'Group

Temporary protection, 4 million people eligible in the EU

  • 16/06/2023
  • By April 2023, Ukrainian nationals accounted for 98% of cases

2023 agricultural season in Trentino, job applications now open

  • 12/06/2023
  • You can apply for job in the period July-October

Migration Law and Policies, Unitn Master's Degree

  • 08/06/2023
  • Applications by noon on September 29, 2023 online only

Climate and migration, the UNHCR appeal

  • 07/06/2023
  • "The climate change crisis is a humanitarian emergency"

Enrolment from abroad for universities, academies and music academies

  • 01/06/2023
  • Entry, residence and enrolment procedures for the academic year 2023/2024

'Mini tax code guide for foreigners'

  • 17/05/2023
  • Published in 17 languages by the Agenzia delle Entrate (Revenue Agency)

Are you a rider? A survey of the Municipality of Trento

  • 15/05/2023
  • Here are the instructions for participating

FORM-A®T narrates 'Ukrainian Sunflowers

  • 10/05/2023
  • The works of Maria Prymachenko in the programme of the Autonomous Province of Trento Press Office

Trentino and Ethiopia, the strength of mountain lands

  • 02/05/2023
  • Councilor Bisesti greets the delegation from the country featured in this year's Trento Film Festival
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Published: Wednesday 27 June 2018 - Last modify: Friday 13 October 2023

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