Agreement signed between related ministries and the Community of Sant'Egidio
Agreement signed between related ministries and the Community of Sant'Egidio
A memorandum of understanding for the implementation of an experimental project for the "Apertura di Corridoi Lavorativi" (Opening of Labor Corridors) was signed in mid-April between the Ministries of the Interior, Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Labor and Social Policies, and the Comunità of Sant'Egidio.
The agreement is part of the framework of national initiatives aimed at ensuring better governance of the migration phenomenon through an enhancement of legal entries made within an organized system, which will allow the inclusion in the productive fabric of specific professional figures through which to fill human resource shortages in certain sectors.
Main purpose is to prepare and facilitate the matching of the labour supply, expressed by companies in the national territory, with the work skills and willingness to move to Italy by foreigners who are abroad, with particular reference to those professions of which it is ascertained that there is a persistent shortage in the national labour market.
For more details: note from the Ministry of the Interior