Local, national and international news related to immigration and published on the Italian version of Cinformi website
Covid-19 emergency
- 28/01/2022
- Information on the website of APSS (Azienda Provinciale per i Servizi Sanitari); toll-free number operating as well on Saturdays and Sundays.
Trentino, access to provincial public offices
- 28/01/2022
- From February 1, 2022 the basic green pass will be mandatory
EASO, new name and new mission
- 20/01/2022
- As of January 19, 2022, the EU Asylum Agency (EUAA) is operative
Workflow decree, when and how to send the applications
- 10/01/2022
- Deadlines, how to submit applications, quota distribution and summary video guide
"World Migration Report 2022"
- 07/01/2022
- IOM World Migration Report online
From February 1, 2022 a green pass is required to access public offices
- 07/01/2022
- According to the national decree of January 7, 2022
Immigration, one year of news
- 30/12/2021
- Video overview of the main reports analysing the migration phenomenon
“Patto del Quirinale”, i passaggi sull’immigrazione
- 26/11/2021
- “Sostenere una politica migratoria e d’asilo europea e politiche d’integrazione basate sui principi di responsabilità e di solidarietà condivise tra gli Stati membri”
Violenza sulle donne rifugiate, appello dell’Unhcr
- 25/11/2021
- In occasione della Giornata internazionale per l'eliminazione della violenza contro le donne
Trento, Sportello Antidiscriminazioni
- 24/11/2021
- Contro la discriminazione etnica, religiosa, sessuale, di genere, per disabilità o per età
Published: Wednesday 27 June 2018 - Last modify: Friday 13 October 2023