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European Union, 100 thousand asylum applications per month


Here are the EUAA figures: first instance recognition rate of 39%

About 100 thousand asylum applications have been submitted in September, October and November 2022 in EU+ countries. These are figures not observed since 2015-2016. Syrians, Afghans and Turks are confirmed at the top of the list of number of applications submitted, but the applicants' nationalities landscape is very wide. The data comes from the European Union Asylum Agency (EUAA).
EU+ asylum authorities issued some 55,600 first-instance decisions in November, a figure essentially stable since last June. The EU+ recognition rate was 39 percent, with about 12.100 applicants granted refugee status and 9,600 receiving subsidiary protection. Recognition rates were particularly high for Syrians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Yemenis, Malians, and Eritreans.

Analysis by the European Union Asylum Agency

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Published: Tuesday 31 January 2023 - Last modify: Wednesday 15 February 2023

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