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Search for "appuntamenti cinformi" returned 72 matches

2009 Annual report


Wednesday 25 November 2009

Cinformi online: how to contact us

You can receive online information and support from Cinformi offices on Monday and Wednesday from 09:00 to 13:00 and from 14:00 to 16:30; Thursday from 09:00 to 15:00; Tuesday and Friday from 09 ... Cinformi online: how to contact us ......

Monday 03 August 2020

The areas of intervention of Cinformi
Cinformi counters in Trento

Cinformi counters in Trento, via Renato Lunelli 4 (2nd floor), are open to the public on appointment only. A link to the application that allows to make an online appointment (as a necessary ... Cinformi, 4, Via Renato Lunelli, Trento ......

Friday 08 October 2021

Cinformi - Immigration Informative Centre

+39 0461 491888 +39 0461 491899 info@cinformi.it cinformi@pec.provincia.tn.it via G.B.Trener, 1 - 38121 Trento https://www.facebook.com/cinformi.pat/ https://twitter.com/Cinformi http://www.cinformi ... Cinformi - Immigration Informative Centre...

Monday 19 November 2007

The areas of intervention of Cinformi
The partners of Cinformi

Cinformi operates with various public bodies including the Questura of Trento (police headquarters), the Servizio lavoro (Labour office) of the Autonomous Province of Trento, the Commissariato ... In its information and orientation activities...

Monday 19 November 2018

The areas of intervention of Cinformi
Cinformi appointments

To access Cinformi counters located throughout the province and to book a phone consultation, it is necessary to make an appointment online through the Web App Filavia PLEASE NOTE: The Trento ... Cinformi appointments

Friday 08 October 2021

The areas of intervention of Cinformi
Press Kit

Accoglienza straordinaria in Trentino al 07.01.2020.pdf,Rapporto immigrazione in Trentino 2018.pdf,Scheda presentazione Cinformi.pdf ... download Cinformi PHOTOS download Cinformi VIDEO watch Cinformi Institutional video

Tuesday 29 January 2019

Cinformi appointments

Procedure for booking an online appointment to access Cinformi counters and/or have a phone consulting ... To access the Cinformi counters located throughout the province and to have a phone consulting it is necessary to book an appointment...

Tuesday 05 October 2021

The areas of intervention of Cinformi
Cinformi, telephone consulting

To receive and get support from Cinformi operators without going to the counters, it is possible to book a phone appointment ... To receive and get support from Cinformi operators without going to the counters, it is possible to book a phone...

Friday 08 October 2021

The areas of intervention of Cinformi
Brief history of Cinformi

Cinformi, established in 2001 and based on collaboration between public and private social bodies, initially supported the Police Headquarters in the administrative procedures for residence permits ... scenarios that the migration phenomenon...

Thursday 27 September 2018

The areas of intervention of Cinformi
Primiero, Cinformi counters

Cinformi counter's service in  Primiero San Martino di Castrozza is available to the public by appointment only, on the third Thursday of the month, from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. The iOS , Android ... Primiero, Cinformi counters

Friday 08 October 2021

The areas of intervention of Cinformi
Cles, Cinformi counters

Cinformi counters reopen to the public in Cles from July 30, 2020 on appointment only. The service is provided at the counters of the “Comunità della Val di Non” - Cles, via Pilati 17 (phone number ... Cles, Cinformi counters

Friday 08 October 2021

The areas of intervention of Cinformi
Rovereto, Cinformi counters

Cinformi counters in Rovereto, Corso Rosmini, 92 - ground floor, are open to the public on Monday, on Tuesday and on Wednesday from 14:30 to 17:30, on appointment only.  A link to the application ... Rovereto, Cinformi counters

Friday 08 October 2021

The areas of intervention of Cinformi
Borgo Valsugana, Cinformi counters

Cinformi counters in Borgo Valsugana, piazzetta Ceschi, 1, are opened to the public on Monday from 08:30 alle ore 12:30.   A link to the application  that allows to make an online appointment (as ... Borgo Valsugana, Cinformi counters

Friday 08 October 2021

The areas of intervention of Cinformi
Tione, Cinformi counters

Cinformi counters in Tione - via Pinzolo, 1 , are opened to the public on Friday from 08:30 alle ore 12:30. A link to the application  that allows to make an online appointment (as a necessary ... Tione, Cinformi counters

Friday 08 October 2021

The areas of intervention of Cinformi
Cavalese, Cinformi counters

Cinformi counters in Cavalese - via Bronzetti, 8/A (third floor), are opened to the public on Tuesday from 08:30 alle ore 12:30.   A link to the application  that allows to make an online ... Cavalese, Cinformi counters

Friday 08 October 2021

The areas of intervention of Cinformi
Cinformi - Information centre for immigration

Cinformi - Information centre for immigration

Monday 25 June 2018

The areas of intervention of Cinformi
Cinformi - photo gallery

Cinformi - photo gallery

Tuesday 22 January 2019

The areas of intervention of Cinformi
Cinformi institutional videos

Cinformi institutional videos

Thursday 08 November 2018

The areas of intervention of Cinformi
Riva del Garda, Cinformi counters

Cinformi counters in Riva del Garda, Via S. Nazzaro 47, are open to the public on Wednesday from 08:30 to 12:15, on appointment only. At the Cinformi counters in Riva del Garda, as in any other ... Riva del Garda, Cinformi counters

Friday 08 October 2021
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