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Entities operating in the field of reception

mondo circondato da mani

Fondazione Comunità Solidale

  • Fondazione Comunità solidale operates to meet the urgent and temporary need for accommodation and other basic needs of minors or adults. 

Punto d’Approdo Società Cooperativa Sociale

  • The cooperative offers to women in difficulty the possibility to defend or regain their dignity, ensuring a comfortable environment in the managed structures.

Fondazione Famiglia Materna

  • The foundation offers help to single women or women with children who are in a difficult situation. The forms of support are flexible and personalised. 

Casa Padre Angelo onlus

  • Casa Accoglienza alla Vita “Padre Angelo”, in Trento offer hospitality to mothers and children in temporary difficulty.

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Published: Wednesday 05 December 2018 - Last modify: Wednesday 07 October 2020

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