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Asylum applications in the EU, Eurostat data


66% of increase between October 2021 and October 2022; MSNAs are growing in number

In October 2022, about 99 thousand asylum seekers (non-EU citizens) applied for international protection in the EU member states at first instance. The increase compared to September is 10%, but the most significant growth emerges from the comparison with October 2021 (almost 60 thousand asylum applications), which is 66%. The data come from Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union.
As in the previous two months, in October 2022 Syrians represent the largest group of asylum seekers, followed by Afghans and Turks. Applications filed by Ukrainian nationals declined, "partly because," Eurostat explains, "people fleeing Ukraine benefit from temporary protection".

Asylum applications in individual EU countries
Since the beginning of 2022, Germany has been the EU country with the highest number of first-time asylum seekers in the European Union. The figure is confirmed in October 2022; after Germany we find Austria, France, Spain and Italy. These five countries together represent about three-quarters (76 percent) of all first-time asylum seekers in the EU.
When compared to the population of each member country, the highest rate of registered first-time applicants in October 2022 is found in Austria (1,976 applicants per million population), followed by Cyprus (1,819) and Croatia (505). In contrary, the lowest rate was observed in Hungary (0.3).

Unaccompanied foreign minors seeking asylum 
In October 2022, more than 5,000 unaccompanied foreign minors applied for asylum for the first time in the EU, a 6 percent increase from September 2022. They came in order from Afghanistan, Syria, Somalia, Türkiye and Eritrea.
The EU countries that received the most asylum applications from unaccompanied foreign minors in October 2022 were Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Bulgaria. Almost all of these countries reported an increase in the number of applications, with the exception of Austria, which registered a small decrease.

Monthly data on asylum in the EU by Eurostat

EU asylum database


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Pubblicato il: Martedì, 31 Gennaio 2023 - Ultima modifica: Mercoledì, 15 Febbraio 2023

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