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Immigration, one year of news


Video overview of the main reports analysing the migration phenomenon

An overview of the researches and studies published in 2021 that have provided a quantitative and qualitative picture of immigration in the world, in Italy and in Trentino.
Istat, Ispat, Idos, Ismu, Unhcr, Fondazione Leone Moressa, Save the Children, Miur, Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche sociali, Caritas/Migrantes, Inps, Unioncamere, Associazione Domina, Fondazione Leone Moressa, Associazione Carta di Roma: these are the authoritative sources of the video overview produced by Cinformi, which describes, in two and a half minutes, the main indicators of the migration phenomenon.

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Pubblicato il: Giovedì, 30 Dicembre 2021 - Ultima modifica: Mercoledì, 16 Febbraio 2022

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