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The role of the interpreter in the international protection procedure


Asylum Commission: online vademecum

A vademecum specifically for interpreters involved in the international protection procedure has been produced by the National Asylum Commission in collaboration with the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and the European Union Asylum Agency (EUAA). The aim is to further qualitatively improve the asylum procedure by providing interpreters with information on the basic concepts of international protection, key words and their meanings, and guidance on the role of the interpreter in the context of the asylum procedure to ensure an increasingly professional and standard quality of interpreting service.
The vademecum describes the different stages in which the procedure is divided and their respective objectives, with particular reference to the stage in which the interpreter operates, the personal interview of the applicant in front of the territorial commission. The final section of the vademecum presents the interview techniques adopted by commission officials in conducting the personal interview with the asylum seeker and the activities planned in each of the phases of the interview, each time clarifying with practical guidance the role the interpreter is called upon to assume.

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Pubblicato il: Martedì, 16 Gennaio 2024 - Ultima modifica: Martedì, 20 Febbraio 2024

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