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International Mother Language Day


"Language as Healthcare"

In Trentino, on International Mother Language Day, which has been celebrated on February 21 since 2000 at the initiative of UNESCO to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and polyglotism, the Ladino Cultural Institute, together with other representatives of numerous languages of Europe gathered in the NPLD-Network to Promote Linguistic Diversity, participated in the production of a video, in collaboration with the Azienda Provinciale per i Servizi alla Persona della Val di Fassa, where some workers in the social-health sector bring their testimony of using a language to facilitate communication with patients.
Friulian, Catalan, Valencian, Basque, Ladin, Frisóne, Welsh, as well as Swedish in Finland and Hungarian in Romania, are some examples of languages that are used on a daily basis in a field in which the language, the mother tongue, warms hearts and makes one feel at home in difficult moments.
The video, in fact, is designed not only to highlight Minority languages, but especially to thank all the social and health workers who use and have learned the local language to assist patients. Video, in fact, was intended not only to highlight Minority Languages, but especially to recognize all the health and social workers who use and have learned the local language to assist patients. 
The NPLD - Network to Promote Linguistic Diversity - is a Brussels-based pan-European network working in the field of language policy and planning in Europe. It includes national and regional governments, universities and associations. The Autonomous Province of Trento, represented by the Cimbrian, Ladin and Mòchena communities, is a full member.

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Pubblicato il: Mercoledì, 21 Febbraio 2024 - Ultima modifica: Venerdì, 01 Marzo 2024

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