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Coronavirus and migration: the impact of a global health crisis


International research published in the journal "Two Homelands"

Immigrant citizens "for multiple reasons have been found to be highly vulnerable to the Coronavirus crisis because of their employment status (concentration in essential sectors, manual and precarious jobs), legal status (foreign status), and housing status (limited and overcrowded housing spaces)."
This is a passage from the synthesis of the Special Issue "The Coronavirus Crisis and Migration" in the journal Two Homelands, with guest editors Francesco Della Puppa and Fabio Perocco of Ca' Foscari University in Venice. This is one of the first international papers that examines at a global level the consequences of the pandemic on the health, working, administrative and housing conditions of immigrants, migrants and asylum seekers. The authors present the situation in different countries, including India, Bangladesh, Japan, Greece, North Macedonia, Italy, USA, Brazil.
Migrants - explains Professor Perocco on the Ca' Foscari University website - "have been greatly affected by unemployment, underemployment, worsening working conditions, and impoverishment, due to various factors: strong presence in sectors affected by the health crisis (hotel, restaurant, domestic work) and with a high level of informality and irregularity; concentration in low-skilled jobs; administrative status often unstable, resulting from the link between work contract and residence permit; subordination of social rights to migration status."
The research also analyzes globally the consequences of Covid-19 for asylum seekers: "They have experienced heavy consequences - health and social - due to their structural social fragility. At times, reception centers and refugee camps were unable to ensure physical distancing, hygiene and public health. In addition to overcrowding, infected people were often not evacuated from the facilities, spreading the virus throughout the entire structure. In the management of positives more than a few times, disparate and improvised measures were taken."

Read the speech-synthesis by Professor Perocco of Ca' Foscari University 


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Pubblicato il: Giovedì, 23 Settembre 2021

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