Regarding the entry of highly skilled workers
Regarding the entry of highly skilled workers
The Consiglio dei Ministri has finally approved (16/10/2023) the legislative decree introducing new rules on the entry and stay of highly skilled foreign nationals. The new rules update the requirements and procedures aimed at the issuing of the EU Blue Card. This is announced by the inter-ministerial portal Integrazione Migranti.
Publication in the Gazzetta Ufficiale is awaited for the entry into force of the new rules.
The approved amendments specifically aim to:
- expand the range of highly qualified third-country workers eligible to apply for the issuance of the EU Blue Card by intervening on the objective and subjective requirements for access;
- modify the procedure for the submission of the application for work authorization by the employer;
- strengthen employment and reemployment by providing, on the one hand, that the EU Blue Card holder can engage in self-employment activities in parallel with highly qualified subordinate activity and, on the other hand, that he/she can seek and take up employment in case of unemployment;
- ensure more flexibility in both short-term and long-term mobility;
- update and modify procedures for family reunification;
- facilitate entry and stay in Italy to carry out a professional activity to the foreigner holding an EU Blue Card issued by another member state.