Friday, Oct. 18, 2024 the deadline to submit an applicationUniTN, "Master Diritto e Politiche delle Migrazioni" (DIRPOM) a.y. 2024/25
The call for admission for the Third Edition of the "Master Diritto e Politiche delle Migrazioni" has been published and the online application procedure for this new edition has been opened. The deadline to submit the application is set for Friday, October 18, 2024 by noon.
The perspective of the Master's program will be to offer, to those who intend to face legal, social and administrative professions variously related to the management of the migratory phenomenon, adequate knowledge and an effective working method, transmitting the ability to deal with the necessary cross-cutting competence the multiple problems posed by the reception and accompaniment of migrant people in the different territorial communities.
Those who hold a bachelor's degree, master's degree, single-cycle master's degree or old-school degree may apply for the Master's selections. The foreign degree recognized as eligible is the Bachelor's or Master's degree.
All information (being updated) on the structure of the Master's program is available at www.imigralab.org
For more information: emanuele.pastorino@unit.it