The requested profiles for the 2021 season range from kitchen, reception, bar lounge, room service and wellnessSummer tourism in Trentino, applications start
Agenzia del Lavoro, in collaboration with ASAT, Confesercenti, Confcommercio, Ente bilaterale del turismo, Cigl, Cisl and Uil, has launched a recruitment program to identify people interested in working in the tourism sector in Trentino in the Summer season 2021. Tour operators - with the support of the Centro per l'impiego and/or Trade associations - will recruit and employ the needed staff.
The requested profiles for the 2021 season range from kitchen, reception, bar lounge, room service and wellness.
The initiative is the result of a Protocol that has involved the Agenzia del Lavoro, ASAT, Confesercenti, Confcommercio, Ente bilaterale del turismo, Trade union organizations.
How to apply for work
The interested worker will fill in the application form, following the instructions provided on the Agenzia del Lavoro website, or contact the Centro per l’impiego (Employment Centre) of his/her territory.
The application will be reported to the trade associations, to the Bilateral Tourism Board and to the tour operators and will allow to get in touch with different employers.
How to apply for staff
Tour operators can ask for the names of available workers through Centro per l’impiego (Employment Centre) and/or Trade associations.
Agenzia del Lavoro website
Supply and demand matching operators