XXVII edition: a look into the future of cinema and religion from September 18 to 25, 2024
XXVII edition: a look into the future of cinema and religion from September 18 to 25, 2024
There will be 64 films in competition, from 32 different countries, that will animate from September 18 to 25, 2024 Religion Today Film Festival, the international film festival that has been thrilling Trento and beyond for 27 years. Once again this year the Festival will reach cities and suburbs with its message of confrontation, starting from Trento and passing through Arco, Dro, Lavarone, Riva del Garda, Altopiano di Pinè and, finally, Bolzano, where the event will end.
An international appeal of the festival with more than 20 directors and authors who have already confirmed their participation in the kermesse. Great attention to the world of schools with matinees dedicated to students, masterclasses.
The staff of Religion Today wanted to involve the famous Altan (Francesco Tullio Altan), cartoonist and comic strip artist who has accompanied generations of Italians since 1975 with the creation of “La Pimpa Armando,” “Cipputi and Colombo,” and “Trino and Franz,” between satire, reflections and fun.
On this occasion, representing this artistic-cultural and religious melting pot will be first and foremost the international jury, composed of leading professionals from the international film industry: Stefania Ippoliti (Italy) director Toscana Film Commission; Sabrina Ghannoudi (Tunisia) actress and poet; Sam Lahoud (Lebanon) screenwriter, director, producer, script consultant and lecturer in film, theater and media; Fateme Hjavhersaz (Iran) content acquisition specialist, producer and researcher; Lakshan Abeynayake, (Sri Lanka) actor and producer.
Religion Today Film Festival is made possible thanks to the contribution of the Autonomous Province of Trento, the Region of Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol, the City of Trento and the Film Directorate of the Ministry of Culture. Important, as every year, is the contribution of the Archdiocese of Trento, through the staff of the Diocesan Missionary Center, which manages the reception of the Festival's many international guests.