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Migration Law and Policies, Unitn Master's Degree


Applications by noon on September 29, 2023 online only

To offer, to those who intend to approach the legal, social and administrative professions variously related to the management of the migration phenomenon, adequate knowledge and an effective working method, transmitting the ability to deal with the multiple problems posed by the hosting and support of migrants in the different territorial communities with the necessary cross-sectoral competence.
This is one of the main objectives of the First Level Master's Degree Course in Migration Law and Policies - DIRPOM promoted by the Departments of Law, Sociology and Social Research, Psychology and Cognitive Sciences of the University of Trento. The initiative is part of the framework of the activities promoted by IML (International Migration Laboratory) - a research group active at the University of Trento since 2018 - and intends to offer recipients from different backgrounds an interdisciplinary training and updating tool on the migration phenomenon, in its broadest sense.
Applications for participation in the DIRPOM Master's Course must be submitted by 12 noon on September 29, 2023, online only.

Admission criteria and further information are available at THIS LINK

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Published: Thursday 08 June 2023 - Last modify: Tuesday 20 June 2023

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