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MLOL (Media Library On Line): the Italian digital library, accessible 24/7


Thousands of books and newspapers from all over the world, music and audiobooks

MLOL (Media Library On Line) is the first and main Italian digital library, accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to which the Autonomous Province of Trento, through the Trentino Bibliographic Service, has also adhered. Through the portal you can borrow ebooks from the major Italian publishers, consult thousands of newspapers from all over the world, listen to music and audiobooks in streaming and download and access hundreds of thousands of other digital resources. 
To start using MLOL it is sufficient to request credentials from a library that is a member of the Trentino Bibliographic System .  
Once you have received your username and password, all you need is an internet connection to access the site and start consulting the available resources, from anywhere and from any device. 
In the MLOL kiosk you can find, in particular, thousands of newspapers and magazines from all over the world that can be accessed every day in digital version, from a browser or through an app.

The Media Library On Line portal
List of libraries joining the network
Trentino Cultura website

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Published: Monday 16 August 2021 - Last modify: Tuesday 24 August 2021

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