The results of Ismu studies and research published yearlyISMU report on migrations 2020
Fondazione ISMU estimates that on January 1, 2020 the foreigners in Italy are 5,923,000 out of a population of 59,641,488 residents (slightly less than one foreigner for every 10 inhabitants). Among those present, there are about 5 million residents (85%), regulars not registered are 366 thousand, while irregulars are just over half a million (517 thousand, -8.0%, compared to the same date in 2019). Compared to the same period in 2019, the number of foreigners present is essentially unchanged with a decrease of -0.7%.
The data emerge from the
26th Migration Report
(2020) , prepared by Fondazione ISMU (Initiatives and Studies on Multiethnicity) and presented on February 23, 2021.
In 2020, the year marked by the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, there is an increase in arrivals by sea (34 thousand), after two years of decrease (23 thousand in 2018 and 11 thousand in 2019). On the other hand, asylum requests are decreasing, with 28 thousand in 2020 (compared to 43,783 in 2019). Despite the recovery of arrivals by sea, the migration phenomenon in Italy shows signs of a phase of relative stagnation. This trend - says ISMU - is likely to be accentuated also as a result of the economic crisis that the post-pandemic will bring with it, slowing down arrivals and encouraging the mobility of foreigners and naturalized to other countries.
Read more on: ISMU website