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Educational pathway in non-EU countries, scholarships


For students residing in Trentino with specific requirements; enrollment from February 10, 2021 to March 10, 2021

To encourage student mobility in order to foster linguistic and cultural exchanges among young people from all over the world. This is the aim of the call for applications approved on the beginning of February 2021 by the Autonomous province of Trento. The project, entirely financed by the Province, involves an expenditure of 406,000 euro for the awarding of an indicative number of 48 scholarships.
In particular, the call for application is aimed for students in their third year of secondary school who reside in Trentino (meeting specific requirements) and intend to spend a year or part of a year in a non-EU country during the 2021/2022 school year. The call for applications form can be downloaded from the website
The application must be submitted exclusively via telematic procedures using SPID (Sistema Pubblico di Identità Digitale - Public Digital Identity System) or CPS (Carta Provinciale per i Servizi - Provincial Services Card) from 9.00 a.m. on Wednesday February 10, 2021 until 1.00 p.m. on Wednesday March 10, 2021.

For further information visit: press release by Autonomous province of Trento  

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Published: Monday 08 February 2021 - Last modify: Thursday 11 February 2021

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