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Coronavirus information in Trentino


New hours for the toll free number 800 867 388: Monday to Friday from 8 am to 6 pm

The hours of the telephone information service on Coronavirus, which answers the toll-free number 800 867 388, have changed in Trentino. It is now active from Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 6 pm, excluding holidays.  
The toll-free Coronavirus number is used to get technical and health information on the SarsCov2 virus, on dispositions and ordinances, on returns, transfers, zones, swabs, isolations and quarantines, but also as support in booking vaccinations. The 112 number is instead the Unified Emergency Number, to be called in case of real emergency in order to have the support of emergency medical services, police or fire brigade and not for a generic request of information.

Covid-19, the online special of the Autonomous Province of Trento

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Published: Thursday 20 May 2021 - Last modify: Friday 21 May 2021

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