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"A Humanity on the flee"


Report by Legambiente and UNHCR on the relationship between the climate crisis and forced migration

Climate crisis and humanitarian crisis are two sides of the same coin. This is a reminder from Legambiente and UNCHR, the UN Refugee Agency, who in their new report "A Humanity on the Flee: The Effects of the Climate Crisis on Forced Migration" take stock of what is happening around the world today. There are more than 114 million people forced to flee war and violence globally, and UNCHR estimates that nearly 60 percent of them are in countries most vulnerable to the impact of climate change, such as Syria, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Somalia, Afghanistan and Myanmar.
For Legambiente and UNCHR, international cooperation and dialogue and more funds for mitigation and adaptation to the effects of the climate crisis, particularly with a focus on supporting people forced to flee and host communities starting with the most vulnerable groups, must be the priorities to be put at the center with the urgency of a common international agenda that cannot wait any longer.

Report “Un’umanità in fuga: gli effetti della crisi climatica sulle migrazioni forzate”

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Published: Tuesday 12 December 2023 - Last modify: Tuesday 12 March 2024

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