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Refugees and marriage, possible self-certification of free marital status


Simplification provided by a circular of the Ministry of the Interior

Even refugees will be able to self-certify their free marital status, to contract marriage in Italy. This is stated in a circular of the Ministry of the Interior of January 12, 2022, published on the website of Integrazione migranti .
The Viminale, after hearing the opinion of the Avvocatura generale dello Stato, has clarified that to obtain the "nulla osta" to marriage, refugees can provide a certificate, a suitable act to attest their freedom civil state or, in alternative, they can make a self-declaration under DPR. n. 445/2000.

Ministry of the Interior circular of January 12, 2022  


Published: Tuesday 01 February 2022 - Last modify: Tuesday 08 March 2022

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