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Entities operating in the field of inclusion


Associazione "Il gioco degli specchi"

  • Since 1994 the volunteers of the association have been organizing free Italian courses for foreigners (L2), in support of driving licence exams, for women with childcare service, moments of conversation between Italians and foreigners.

Associazione Nazionale Oltre Le Frontiere "Anolf"

  • Anolf is a non-profit association of volunteering nature, founded in 1989 and promoted by the ICFTU. Its statute aims are the growth of friendship and brotherhood between peoples in the spirit of the Italian Constitution.

Atas onlus, Associazione Trentina Accoglienza Stranieri

  • "Atas onlus", founded in 1989, is an association for foreigners reception in Trentino and works to make the local community aware of the positive potentialities of the migratory phenomenon.

Published: Wednesday 05 December 2018 - Last modify: Thursday 27 February 2020

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