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Digital nomads and remote workers


Decree regulating entry and residence of highly skilled remote workers in force

The decree regarding "Modalities and requirements for the entry and stay of citizens of non-EU states who perform highly skilled work through the use of technological tools that allow remote work" is in force. The decree, which is reported by the inter-ministerial portal "Integration Migrants," is by the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy. 
The measure, - the interministerial portal explains, - regulates the entries of "digital nomads and remote workers" who the Testo Unico dell’Immigrazione (Legislative Decree 286/1998, art.27, paragraph 1, letter q bis) already places outside the quotas of the Decreto flussi. In both cases, these are highly skilled workers who operate remotely thanks to technology, but "digital nomads" are defined as self-employed, "remote workers" as subordinates and collaborators. 
The Decree defines visa and residence permit requirements related to income, health insurance, availability of housing, prior experience and, for remote workers, the presence of a contract or binding offer. Once in Italy, these workers will have a residence permit marked "digital nomad - remote worker" with a maximum duration of one year, but renewable, and can also apply for family reunification.
Finally, the Decree regulates how to verify compliance with contribution and tax provisions. If there are no bilateral social security agreements with the country of origin, Italian social security and insurance regulations will apply. Digital nomads and remote workers will be issued a tax code along with a residence permit. Digital nomads must also open a VAT number (partita IVA).

The decree of February 29, 2024

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Pubblicato il: Lunedì, 08 Aprile 2024 - Ultima modifica: Mercoledì, 10 Aprile 2024

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