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Psychological service in the reception system

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The psychological service for asylum seekers and holders of international protection is part of the Trentino reception system. Many partners with a single direction guaranteeing in various ways the provision of services to the person, protecting the right to reception. The psychological support, in particular, aims to promote the mental health of people within the projects and to promote paths of treatments and social inclusion for those who will then be living in the territory. In particular, the organisations responsible for supplying this service are: Associazione Centro Astalli Trento Onlus, Cooperativa Sociale Arcobaleno, Cooperativa Sociale Kaleidoscopio, Cooperativa Sociale Mimosa, Cooperativa Sociale Punto D'Approdo, CRI (Italian Red Cross).

Published: Monday 16 September 2019 - Last modify: Thursday 27 February 2020

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